The system can work in the complete absence of access to the Internet, energy balancing is performed at three levels, and the innovative architecture allows an unprecedented reduction in the cost of equipment for one charging port
Parking lots are the most convenient places to charge electric vehicles, but:
How long will they stand near the charger?
Clients don't drive off immediately when they complete the charging. They will continue be taking up the place, chargers will be idling, the new customers will be passing by, and the Operator will be losing profit and reputation.
How to ensure profitability in long-term parking lots?
Weak Internet connection prevents the service
A weak cellular connection in the parking lot will not allow the client to use the service. Even if you solve the issue with the Internet connection of each charging station, the problem for the client's smartphone will stay actual.
How to manage charge stations and collects payments even if there is no Internet access?
Power balancing is mandatory
Uneven energy consumption is typical for all facilities, and charging complexes are no exception. To ensure an income, Operator have to manage of distribution of available energy between the charging stations themselves and with other consumers.
How to efficiently use all of the available energy?
Salute Solutions Oy
55120, Kukkolinankatu 5, Imatra, Finland
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